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Some people are Time Travelers and some people are not Time Travelers.
P(x) = x is a Person
T(x) = x is a Time Traveler
Which is/are correct and why?

  1. (∀x)(P(x) $\rightarrow$(T(x)∨~T(x)))

  2. (∃x)(P(x)^T(x)) ∨ (∃x)(P(x)^~T(x))

  3. (∃x)(P(x)^T(x)) ^ (∃x)(P(x)^~T(x))

  4. (∀x)((P(x)$\rightarrow$T(x)) ∨ (P(x)$\rightarrow$~T(x)))

  5. P(x)

  6. (∀x)P

  7. (∀x)P(x)

  8. P


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