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please explain the memory allocation of statement , means how it works

register int a= 10;

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SO register a=10 means we are giving value of a=10 to registers   but it doesnt mean that register will store this value . we are just giving this value storing this depends on whether registers are free and many other factors 


1) if we use & with register variable  means we are going to access address here . then some compiler show error or some warning.

as we dont access register address. It is invalid.

register int i = 10;

  int *a = &i; it is invalid

2)REGISTER is a storage class . in c we cant use multiple storage classs at a time.

means we cant use static register int a : it is invalid


3) we cant put *with register variable

 register int *a = &i; it is valid

we can use give ass no. of registers commands but only access to few


Somoshree Datta 5  The register declaration can be applied only to automatic variables and formal parameters of a function.



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