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Consider the following grammar
S -> a + A
A -> (S)
A -> a

If we want to write a recursive descent parser for the above grammar then which one of the
following functions will correctly represent production A?
(NOTE: The match ( ) is a function which matches the next token in the parsing with the
current terminal derived in the grammar and advancing the i/p pointer to the next token)

(A) A( )                                                                      


   if next_token = = ‘(’ && ‘)’ {

   S ( );                                                                    





(B) A( )


    if next_token = = ‘(’ {


    S ( );

    match (‘)’);


   if next_token = = ‘a’ {



   else error ( );



(C) A( )


   if next_token = = ‘)’ || ‘a’


      S( );


else error( );



(D) None of these

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