2 Answers

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Head Recursion: When the first statement of the function is the recursive call. (X)

Tail Recursion: When the last statement of the function is the recursive call and nothing has to be done when function call returns. (Y)

Nested Recursion: A recursive function where the argument passed to the function is the function itself. (Z)

Indirect Recursion: Indirect recursion occurs when a method invokes another method, eventually resulting in the original method being invoked again. (W)

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1 votes

OPTION C is correct . 

TAIL RECURSION :- in the recursive program if there is only one recursive call that to in the end , that programs are called Tail recursive program. It is similar to a loop

HEAD RECURSION:- If the recursive call occurs at the beginning of a function ,it is called a head recursion . The function saves the states before jumping into the next recursive call.

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