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4 votes
4 votes
The minimum number of temporary variables created in 3 address code of the following expression are _____

Assume order of precedence from highest to lowest as: *,+ and - .Consider associativity for + and * are not important but - is left associative.
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2 Answers

Best answer
7 votes
7 votes
(((a+(b*c))+d)-e)-(a+(b*c))    [ as * have highest precedence so should be done first , then + should be dne ad then -                                                                             and as associativity of + is not importnat so i m taking + as left associative]

t1 = b * c;

t2 = a + t1;

t1 = t2 + d;

t1 = t1 - e;

t1 = t1 - t2;             so minimum 2 temporary variables are needed {t1 , t2 }
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1 votes
1 votes
Question mentioned the statement  : a+b*c+d-e-a+b*c

"Temp variables created by the compiler as needed to keep the number of operands down"

Three Address Code represented as below :

Precedence is * is highest, so it is evaluated first.

t1 = b * c

t2 = a + t1

t3 = t2 + d

t4 = t3 - e

t5 = t4 -t2

So minimum 5 temp variables needed.

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