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If power set of natural number is uncountable , and that is why non RE,

then how is it possible set of natural number is countable and RE?------give some reason

2 Answers

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Countable means that there exists one to one mapping between elements of the set to natural numbers and is called RE because since there exists a 1-1 mapping, you can enumerate the elements. So set of natural numbers is trivially countable. But the power set of $N$ is $2^{N}$ and $|2^{N}| > |N|$, so you can't map powerset of natural numbers to set of natural numbers and therefore it is uncountable.

A simple way to prove this is:

lets $N$ is set of Natural numbers and lets assume $P(N)$ is countable and let the mapping be:
$(x_{1} \subseteq P(N) )\rightarrow 1$

$(x_{2} \subseteq P(N) )\rightarrow 2$

$(x_{3} \subseteq P(N) )\rightarrow 3$




where $x_{i}$ is any arbitrary subset of $N$

Then the union of all the subsets i.e. $\bigcup x_{i}$ is a unique set which is in $P(N)$ but isn't mapped to any natural number. Hence our assumption is wrong.
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i think above answers are equallt nice ,here is my prespective, i will take an example

say alphabets are {a,b} then all the  strings on the alphbaets can  be given as ( a + b )*

now since the above langauage is countable ( as each strings can be enumerated by a natural number )

now the way of proceeding will be , we will show that there a countable TM , but uncountable language and if we are able to show the above result then we can deduce that , as TM recognises REL so REL are countable , and  NON-REL is subset of a uncountable set which is uncountable thus all NON REL are uncountable.

 => power set of natural number is uncountable , and  (a+b)* is countable so power set of a countable set is uncountable here power set of (a+b)* is set of all the language generated  over {a,b} , which are uncountable. now TM are countable ( as TM machines have finite representation , hence they could be represented by countably finite set of configuration , also called encoding of TM as (0,1). } ,

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