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Let a, b be two positive integers, which of the following options correctly relates / and %?

(a) b= (a/b) * b + a%b                                                (b) b= (a%b) * b + a/b

(c) a= (a/b) * b + a%b                                                (d) a= (a%b) * b + a/b
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1 Answer

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Let's take $a=20$ and $b=10$

$(a)$  $b= (\frac{a}{b})\times b + a\%b$

            $b= (\frac{20}{10})\times 10 + 20\%10$  
              $b= (2)\times 10 + 0$


   $(b)$  $b= (a\%b)\times b + \frac{a}{b}$

               $b= (20\%10)\times 10 + \frac{20}{10}$

              $b= (0)\times 10 + 2$


   $(c)$  $a= (\frac{a}{b})\times b + a\%b$

                 $a= (\frac{20}{10})\times 10 + 20\%10$

                    $a=(2)\times 10+0$


$(d)$  $a= (a\%b)\times b + \frac{a}{b}$

             $a= (20\%10)\times 10 + \frac{20}{10}$

              $a=(0)\times 10 +2$
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