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8 votes
8 votes
You are working on a laptop connected to a $100 \text{Mbps}$ Ethernet LAN. You need a $2 \text{GB}$ file that is on the server in the same LAN. The entire file is also on your pen drive but you have left the pen drive in another room. You have a dog sitting beside you, that is trained to bring the pen drive to you. The average speed of the dog is $20 \text{km/hour}$. Up to what distance (in meters) does the dog have the higher data rate than $100 \text{Mbps}$ Ethernet? (Assume $1K=1000$, up to 2 decimal places)
(Note: The dog should be able to go and bring the pen drive, before the transfer on the LAN completes. Assume continuous data transmission on the LAN(no packetization required)).
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1 Answer

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Time taken by dog to go and comeback,

T(dog) = t(go) + t(come) =  2 * t(go) = 2 * d/ 20kmph = 18d/50 sec

Within this time 2GB data has to be transfered,

T (transfer) = data size/link bandwidwth = 2GB/100Mbps = 160 sec


T(dog) < T(transfer)

=> 18d/50 < 160

=> d = 160 * 50 /18

=> d = 444.444

or d = 444 m


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