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Consider two well-formed formula in proposition logic:

Which of the following is correct?

  1. F1 is satisfiable, F2 is valid
  2. F1 is unsatisfiable, F1 is satisfiable
  3. F1 is unsatisfiable, F2 is valid
  4. F1 and F2 both are unsatisfiable
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Let's see F1 :-

(p<->q)^(~p<->q) this is unsatisfiable , since it will be satisfiable only if both are true .

p<->q is true in only two cases TT and FF .

And in both the cases the other term will be False , so it is unsatisfiable.

Now the other one  :-

(p+~q)(~p+q)(~p+~q) = (pq+~q~p)(~p+~q) = ~p~q which is satisfiable.
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