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The last sentence has been deleted from the following paragraph. From the given options, choose that one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

For decades, psychologists believed that men experienced depression at only a fraction of the rate of women. But this overly rosy view, doctors now recognize, was due to the fact that men were better at hiding their feelings. Depressed women often weep and talk about feeling bad; depressed men are more likely to get into bar fights, scream at their wives or become enraged by small inconveniences like lousy service at a restaurant.

  1. Men's irritability is usually seen as a character flaw, not as a sign of depression.
  2. Men's irritability is usually seen as a mood disorder that subsides after a few minutes.
  3. Men's irritability is usually seen as a characteristic attribute of depression.
  4. Men's irritability is usually seen as a telling sign of medical problems.
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Option (B) $\rightarrow$ There is nothing in the passage to indicate that depression or mood disorder as experienced by men subsides automatically after some time. Therefore, B can be negated.
Option (C) $\rightarrow$ C is incorrect as psychologists usually have trouble recognizing depression in men.
OPtion (D) $\rightarrow$ The focus of the passage is not on further implications of the signs of depression, so D is a far-fetched conclusion.
Only option (A)  captures this idea correctly. Hence, (A) is the correct answer.

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