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Number of state in DFA accepting a language L={anbn,1<= n <=3 } over {a,b} ……..

1 Answer

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Qo = input state,   Q6 -- final state

Qo--Q1  using  'a'

Qo -- deadlock using 'b'

Q1 --- Q2 using 'a'

Q1--Q6 using  'b'

Q2 -- Q3 using 'a'

Q2 -- Q5  using 'b'

Q3 --  Q4 using 'b'

Q4 -- Q5 using 'b'

Q5 -- Q6 using 'b'

Follow above step plot the diagram you get 8 state ( Qo  to Q6  and deadlock state )

complete the each state for each and every input alphabet i.e. definition of DFA

Still any confusion comment below !!

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