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11 votes

Ten friends planned to share equally the cost of buying a gift for their teacher. When two of them decided not to contribute, each of the other friends had to pay Rs. $150$ more. The cost of the gift was Rs. ____

  1. $666$
  2. $3000$
  3. $6000$
  4. $12000$
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8 Answers

Best answer
29 votes
29 votes
Let us suppose each of the $10$ friends were supposed to contribute Rs $x$.

Hence total cost for gift $= \text{Rs } 10 x$.

Now since $2$ friends won't contribute , hence $8$ friends would have to contribute $(x+150)$ each.

By the sum,

$10x = 8x+1200$

$\implies 2x= 1200$

$\implies x= 600$

Hence total cost of the gift $= 10x = \text{Rs. }6000$
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8 votes
8 votes
Friend Name $A$ $B$ $C$ $D$ $E$ $F$ $G$ $H$ $I$ $J$ ${\color{Blue} {TOTAL\ MONEY}}$
Money Contributed $x$ $x$ $x$ $x$ $x$ $x$ $x$ $x$ $x$ $x$       $10x$

 I and J didn't gave the money

Friend Name $A$ $B$ $C$ $D$ $E$ $F$ $G$ $H$  ${\color{red} {TOTAL\ MONEY}}$
Money Contributed $x+150$ $x+150$ $x+150$ $x+150$ $x+150$ $x+150$ $x+150$ $x+150$ $8(x+150)$

${\color{Blue} {TOTAL\ MONEY}}$ = ${\color{red} {TOTAL\ MONEY}}$

$\Rightarrow\ 10x\ =\ 8(x+150)$

$\Rightarrow\  10x\ =\ 8x + 1200$

$\Rightarrow\ 2x\ =\ 1200$

$\Rightarrow\  x\ =\ 600$

so , TOTAL MONEY $=10x=6000$

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4 votes
4 votes
Suppose each friend share equally cost= x

There are 10 friend so total cost =10x

Two not to decide contribute so  8 friends had to pay 150 more each



X=600 hence total cost of gift=10×600=6000

Answer C

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