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A tournament is a directed graph in which there is exactly one directed edge between
every pair of vertices. Let Tn be a tournament on n vertices.

(a) Use induction to prove the following statement:
Tn has a directed hamiltonian path (a directed path that visits all vertices).

(b) Describe an algorithm that finds a directed hamiltonian path in a given tournament. Do not write whole programs; pseudocode, or a simple description of the steps in the algorithm, will suffice. What is the worst case time complexity of
your algorithm?
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(a) Use induction to prove the following statement:

                 T$_n$ has a directed hamiltonian path (a directed path that visits all vertices).


let starts with 2 vertices, so there is only one edge is present, so there should be Hamilton-path exist !

now add one more vertex to the group. let called it as V$_3$.

Now we have an edge between V$_1$ and V$_3$. one more edge between V$_2$ and V$_3$.

But we don't the directions, So there are 2 edges, each edge may up or down (i.e,. 2 possibilities) ==> 2$^2$ = 4 possibilities of graphs.

So, from above picture, you can understood that, every possibility have atleast one Hamilton path ( But not Hamilton Cycle.)

But how can we say in general ?

already existing Hamilton path is 1 --> 2, New vertex is 3

There should be an edge between 3 and 1,
        $\color{green}{\text{suppose it is 3 --> 1, then already we have 1 --> 2, So Hamilton Path is 3 --> 1 --> 2 exist !} }$
                                     $\color{green}{\text{( no need to worry about the edge between 2 and 3 )}}$
       $\color{red}{\text{ suppose it is 1 --> 3, ( just wait )}}$

There should be an edge between 3 and 2,

        suppose if it is 2 --> 3, then already we have 1 --> 2, So Hamilton Path is 1 --> 2 --> 3 exist ! 
                                ( no need to worry about the edge between 1 and 3 )

        suppose if it is 3 --> 2, ( considering the red case only due to  ), you have 1 --> 3 ---> 2 as Hamilton Path.


Assume :- 


 given statement is true for n vertices, we have to show it is true for n+1 vertices.

for simplicity assume the Hamilton Path of n vertices is like V$_1$ --> V$_2$ --> V$_3$ --> V$_4$ --> .......--> V$_{n-1}$ --> V$_n$ .

let the new vertex V$_{n+1}$,

if the edge between V$_{n+1}$ and V$_{1}$ is like V$_{n+1}$ to V$_{1}$ then 

         V$_{n+1}$ --> V$_1$ --> V$_2$ --> V$_3$ --> V$_4$ --> .......--> V$_{n-1}$ --> V$_n$ is Hamilton Path.

else if the edge between V$_{n+1}$ and V$_{2}$ is like V$_{n+1}$ to V$_{2}$ then 

         V$_1$ --> V$_{n+1}$ --> V$_2$ --> V$_3$ --> V$_4$ --> .......--> V$_{n-1}$ --> V$_n$ is Hamilton Path.

else if the edge between V$_{n+1}$ and V$_{3}$ is like V$_{n+1}$ to V$_{3}$ then

          V$_1$ --> V$_2$ --> V$_{n+1}$ --> V$_3$ --> V$_4$ --> .......--> V$_{n-1}$ --> V$_n$ is Hamilton Path.


else if the edge between V$_{n+1}$ and V$_{n}$ is like V$_{n+1}$ to V$_{n}$ then

          V$_1$ --> V$_2$ --> V$_3$ --> V$_4$ --> .......--> V$_{n-1}$ --> V$_{n+1}$ --> V$_n$ is Hamilton Path.

else the edge between V$_{n}$ and V$_{n+1}$ is like V$_{n}$ to V$_{n+1}$ then

          V$_1$ --> V$_2$ --> V$_3$ --> V$_4$ --> .......--> V$_{n-1}$ --> V$_{n}$ --> V$_{n+1}$ is Hamilton Path.



(b) Describe an algorithm that finds a directed hamiltonian path in a given tournament. Do not write whole programs; pseudocode, or a simple description of the steps in the algorithm, will suffice. What is the worst case time complexity of
your algorithm?


It is nothing but Topological sorting. TC = O(V+E).

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