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$\text{Definition:}$ Let $w_M$ be a string that describes a Turing machine $M = (Q,\Sigma,\Gamma,\delta,q_0,\square,F)$, and let $w$ be a string in $M’$s alphabet. We will assume that $w_m$ and $w_M$ and $w$ are encoded as a string of $0’$s and $1’$s. A solution of the halting problem is a Turing machine $H,$ which for any $w_M$ and $w$ performs the computation

                                                                                 $q_0w_Mw\vdash{^\ast}  \space x_1q_yx_2$

If $M$ applied to $w$ halts, and

                                                                                 $q_0w_Mw\vdash{^\ast}  \space y_1q_ny_2$

If $M$ applied to $w$ does not halt. Here $q_y$ and $q_n$ are both final states of $H$

$\text{Theorem:}$ There does not exist any Turing machine $H$ that behave as required by Definition. The halting problem is therefore undecidable.

Suppose we change Definition to require that $q_0w_Mw\vdash{^\ast}  \space q_yw$ or $q_0w_Mw\vdash{^\ast}  \space q_nw$, depending on whether $M$ applied to $w$ halts or not. Reexamine the proof of Theorem to show that this difference in the definition does not affect the proof in any significant way.
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