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A $64000$-byte message is to be transmitted over a $2$-hop path in a store-and-forward packet-switching network. The network limits packets toa maximum size of $2032$ bytes including a $32$-byte header. The trans-mission lines in the network are error free and have a speed of $50$ Mbps.Each hop is $1000$ km long and the signal propagates at the speed of light ($3×10^8$meters per second). Assume that queuing and processing delays at the intermediate node are negligible. How long does it take to deliver the entire message from the source to the destination?

I am getting answer as $1*3*(T_t+T_p) + \;31*T_t$ where $T_t=0.325\; ms$ and $T_p=3.333\; ms$. Please Confirm.

1 Answer

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i am getting 113.175 msec

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