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The general method is very simple:

A  Regular Expression $r$ can consist of 6 distinct characters.

$(a) x : x \in \Sigma\displaystyle \\ (b) +\displaystyle \\ (c) * \displaystyle \\ (d) Concatenation Operator\displaystyle \\ (e) \lambda\displaystyle \\ (f) \Phi\displaystyle$

Step 1 : Decompose $r$ in $P$ and $Q$ such that, $r=PQ$. Then $r^R = Q^RP^R$

    Repeat this if $P$ or $Q$ can be decomposed.

Step 2 : If any decomposition of $r$, $D$ can be decomposed in $R$ and $S$ such that, $D= R+S$, then keep it intact.

    Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 on $R$ and $S$.

Step 3 : If $D= T^*$, then apply Step 1 and Step 2 on$T$.

Step 4 : If $|D|=1$, so that, $D = \{x: x\in \Sigma\cup\lambda\cup\Phi\}$, then keep it intact.

For example, $(ab)^*(a+b)\underline{(bb)^*}$ The underlined is $Q$ and rest is $P$.






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