6 votes
6 votes

Consider a relation $R\left ( A,B,C,D,E \right )$ and functional dependencies are 

$F=\left \{ AC\rightarrow B,C\rightarrow D,A\rightarrow E,C\rightarrow B \right \}$

Relation $R$ is decomposed into  $R_{1}\left ( A,B,C \right )$ and $R_{2}\left ( C,D \right )$

Then Is it a lossless decomposition?

I am getting doubt, how it can be not lossless decomposition?

5 Answers

4 votes
4 votes
To check lossless decomposition using FD set it should satisfy all the below conditions:

1. Attribute(R1) ⋃ Attribute(R2) = Attribute(R)

2. Attribute(R1) ⋂ Attribute(R2) ≠ ∅

3. Attribute(R1) ⋂ Attribute(R2) = Attribute(R1)

Attribute(R1) ⋂ Attribute(R2) = Attribute(R2)

According to first condition,

            Attribute(R1) ⋃ Attribute(R2) = (A,B.C) ⋃ (C,D) = (A,B,C,D) ≠ R(A.B.C.D.E)

First condition fails so this is lossy decomposition.
1 votes
1 votes
It is a lossless decomposition as Candidate keys are A and C and all the given dependencies are present in the relation R.
0 votes
0 votes
The new Relations R1 and R2 must preserve the Attributes of the original relation. Hence, the decomposition is lossy.

To check whether a given decomposition is lossy:

1. Check whether Attributes are preserved(all attributes must occur at least once in any of the decomposed relations.

2. The common attribute(s) between two relations must be a Candidate Key in one of the relations.

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