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An $\text{all-NFA}$  $M$ is a $\text{5-tuple}$ $(Q, Σ, δ, q_{0}, F)$ that accepts $x\in\sum^{*}$ if every possible state that $M$ could be in after reading input $x$ is a state from $F.$ Note $,$ in contrast, that an ordinary $\text{NFA}$ accepts a string if some state among these possible states is an accept state$.$ Prove that $\text{all-NFAs}$ recognize the class of regular languages$.$
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An all-NFA  $M$ is a $5-$tuple $(Q,Σ,δ,q_{0},F)$ that accepts $x∈∑^{∗}$ if every possible state that $M$ could be in after reading input $x$ is a state from $F$. Note , in contrast, that an ordinary NFA accepts a string if some state among these possible states is an accept state. Prove that all-NFAs recognize the class of regular languages.


Say N be the all-NFA - where reading every input symbol either it reach state F directly which leads it to the final state. Suppose N doesnot reach to final state directly, then there must be a $\epsilon$ transition to reach the final state. Generally we know, NFA doesnot care about every state, but it cares about final production. But here NFA works like every state is a final state. So, it accepts $\left ( a+b \right )^{*}$ or $\sum$$^{*}$.Therefore we can conclude, all-NFA must recognize class of regular languages. Hence proved.

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admin asked Apr 28, 2019
Let $C_{n} = \{x| x \text{ is a binary number that is a multiple of $n$}\}.$ Show that for each $n\geq1,$ the language $C_{n}$ is regular$.$