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Consider the following function with a binary tree with atleast one node:

int path(struct node *x, int len){
    if(x==NULL) return B;
    else return A;

Assume the above function is used “to check the given binary tree has any path with specified length from root to the leaf node”. Let $T$ be a binary tree with root pointed by $x.$  The function path $(x,10)$ returns non-zero if there exists any path from root to leaf has a path length $10.$ Otherwise returns $0$. Find $B$ and $A$ with recursive call of path?

$(1)$ $A$ is $path(x->left,len-1)||path(x->right,len-1)$ ,$B$ is $(len==1)$

$(2)$ $A$ is $path(x->left,len-1)||path(x->right,len-1)$ ,$B$ is $(len== -1)$

which of these two option correct? Please Explain. 

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