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Consider a $5$-stage instruction pipeline. The stages and the corresponding stage delays are given below.

$$\begin{array}{|l|l|}\hline \textbf{Instruction}&\textbf{Stage delay}\\\hline  \hline \text{Fetch instruction (FI)}&\text{3 ns}\\\hline \hline \text{Decode instruction (DI)}&\text{4 ns}\\\hline \hline \text{Fetch operand (FO)}&\text{7 ns}\\\hline \hline \text{Execute instruction (EI)}&\text{10 ns}\\\hline \hline \text{Write result (WR)}&\text{7 ns}\\\hline \end{array}$$

Assume that there is no delay between two consecutive stages. Consider a processor with a branch prediction mechanism by which it is always able to correctly predict the direction of the branch at the $FI$ stage itself, without executing the branch instruction.A program consisting of a sequence of $10$ instructions $I1, I2, . . . , I10$, is executed in the pipeline, where the $5^{th}$ instruction $(I5)$ is the only branch instruction and its branch target is the $8^{th}$ instruction $(I8)$.

  1. Draw the pipeline diagram over time showing how the instructions $I1, I2, . . . , I10$ flow through the pipeline stages in this processor.
  2. Calculate the time $\text{(in ns)}$ needed to execute the program.
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2 Answers

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120ns is the answer.

total clock cycle =12
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1 votes

In this pipeline system, no buffer is present, so maximum time to execute the program $10\times 12=120ns.$

$$\small \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline


for more https://gateoverflow.in/330/gate2013-45

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