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7 votes
7 votes

Consider a $5$- segment pipeline with a clock cycle time $20$ ns in each sub operation. Find out the approximate speed-up ratio between pipelined and non-pipelined system to execute $100$ instructions. (if an average, every five cycles, a bubble due to data hazard has to be introduced in the pipeline)

  1. $5$
  2. $4.03$
  3. $4.81$
  4. $4.17$
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4 Answers

13 votes
13 votes
$T_{\ without\ pipeline} = no.\ of\ instructions \times stages\ in\ pipeline \times  clock\ cycle\ per\ stage $

                              $= 100\times5\times20 $

$T_{pipeline} = (time\ for\ pipelined\ execution\ without\ stalls) + (overhead\ due\ to\ stalls) $

                $= (5+99)\times20 + 20\times20 = 124\times20$

$\therefore speed\ up = \frac{T_{\ without\ pipeline}}{T_{pipeline} } = \frac{500\times20}{124\times20} = 4.03$

$\therefore$ Option $B.$ is correct
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3 votes
3 votes


Number of stalls $=5$
Clock Time $=20\;\text{ns}$
Number of instructions $=100$

Time taken by non-pipelined system $=5\times 20\times 100 = 10000$
Time taken by a pipelined system if no stall is present $=5\times \enclose{circle}{1}\times 20 + \enclose{circle}{99}\times 20 + \mathbf{19\;stalls} = 2099 \;\;\text{[Since, stall in the last cycle is insignificant.]}$

$\mathrm{5, stall, 10, stall, 15, stall, 20, stall, 25, stall, 30, stall, 35, stall, 40, stall, 45, stall, 50, stall, 55, stall, 60, stall, 65, stall, 70, stall, 75, stall, 80, stall, 85, stall, 90, stall, 95, stall, 100, \require{cancel} \cancel{stall}=19 \;stalls}$

$\therefore \;\text{Speedup} =\dfrac{\text{Time without pipelining}}{\text{Time with pipelining}}= \dfrac{10,000\;\text{ns}}{2099\;\text{ns}} = 4.76$
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2 votes
2 votes
Non-pipeline time=5*20*100=10000 ns

pipeline time= time for first item + time for rest 99 item + due to stalling (20 nos)=1x 5clock cycle +99* 1 clock cycle+20*20 (stalling)=1*5*20+99*20+400=2480

Hence the speed up ratio= 1000/24680=4.0322  which is confirms the option B.
1 votes
1 votes
A 5 segment pipeline with clock cycle time of 20ns.
Time without pipeline for one instruction = 5*20 = 100ns.
For 100 instructions time without pipeline = 100*100ns = 10^4 ns.
With pipeline, it is given that on average for every 5 cycles there is one bubble or stall cycle which is introduced. So stall frequency = ⅕.
In general in a pipeline we have clocks per instruction CPI = 1. But when there are stall cycles, the updated CPI = (1 + stall frequency * no. of stall cycles) = (1+⅕*1) = 1.2
Execution time with the pipeline = no. of instructions * CPI * clock cycle time.
= 100 * 1.2 * 20 = 2400ns
Speed up = Time without pipeline / Time with pipeline
= 10^4 / 2400 = 100/24 = 4.17

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