2 votes
2 votes

Which of the following is/are correct?

  1. A relation that is reflexive, anti-symmetric, and transitive is called a partial order.
  2. When every two elements in a set are comparable, the relation is called a total ordering (linear ordering).
  3. The poset $(\mathbb{Z},\leq)$ is not totally ordered, where $\mathbb{Z}$ is the set of integers.
  4. The inclusion relation $\subseteq$ is a partial ordering on the power set of a set.


  1. I and II only
  2. I and III only
  3. I, II and III only
  4. I, II and IV only

1 Answer

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2 votes
The poset $(\mathbb{Z}, \leq)$ is totally ordered, because for any integers $a,b, a\leq b$ or $b\leq a.$ Other three statements are true.

So, the correct answer is $(D)$.
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