3 votes
3 votes

You are given an empty hash table of size $6$ that uses open addressing. The following sequence of keys is to be inserted:
$$32\; 7\; 14\; 22\; 29\; 3$$If linear probing with $h(x) = x \% 6;$ is used, which all elements will cause a collision? (Mark all choices which are CORRECT)

  1. $3$
  2. $14$
  3. $29$
  4. $22$

1 Answer

Best answer
4 votes
4 votes
  • $32 \mod 6 = 2$ -occupies slot $2$
  • $7 \mod 6 = 1$ - occupies slot $1$
  • $14 \mod 6 = 2$ - collide. Occupies next slot which is  slot $3$
  • $22 \mod 6 = 4$ - occupies slot $4$
  • $29 \mod 6 = 5$ - occupies slot $5$
  • $3 \mod 6 = 3$ - collide on slot $3.$ Occupied next free slot which is slot $0.$ 
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