2 votes
2 votes

Consider a undirected graph $G$ with $n$ vertices and every edge weight being distinct. Edge $e_1$ is edge with minimum weight and edge $e_2$ is edge with maximum weight. Then, which of the following is/are FALSE? (Mark all the applicable options)

  1. Every minimum spanning tree of $G$ must contain $e_1$
  2. If $e_2$ is in a minimum spanning tree, then its removal must disconnect $G$
  3. No minimum spanning tree contains $e_2$
  4. $G$ has a unique minimum spanning tree if $e_2$ is in a minimum spanning tree

1 Answer

Best answer
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3 votes
Since the edge weights are distinct every MST must contain the minimum weighted edge $e_1.$ Option A is TRUE.

The maximum weighted edge $e_2$ can be in the MST only if it is a cut-edge. So, its removal must disconnect the graph. Option B is TRUE, C is FALSE.

Option D is true as there's a unique MST if all edge weights are distinct.

Only option C is FALSE.
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