2 votes
2 votes

Consider the following relation instance.
\textbf{Roll}& \textbf{FirstName} & \textbf{LastName} & \textbf{Weight}\\
101 & \text{Rahul} & \text{Soni} & 40 \\
102 & \text{Anam} & \text{Patel} & 55 \\
103 & \text{Donald} & \text{Trump} & 75 \\
104& \text{Anuj} & \text{Sahu} & 45 \\
105 & \text{Kim-jong} & \text{Un} & 105 \\
106 & \text{Alex} & \text{Carry} & 50 \\
\textbf{Roll} & \textbf{CourseId} \\
101& 1000 \\
101 & 1001 \\
101 & 1006 \\
102 & 1000 \\
103 & 1006 \\
103 & 1001 \\

Which of the following queries will correctly retrieve the course IDs of all the courses taken by students weighing more than $45$ units?
(Mark all the appropriate options)

  1. $\{t\cdot \text{CourseId} \mid \text{Enrol}(t)\wedge \exists s(\text{Student}(s) \wedge s.Roll=t.Roll \wedge s.weight > 45)\}$
  2. $\Pi_{\text{CourseId}}(\sigma_{weight>45} (\text{Student} \bowtie_{Student.Roll=Enroll.Roll} Enroll))$
  3. $\Pi_{\text{CourseId}}(\sigma_{weight>45 \wedge Student.Roll=Enroll.Roll } (\text{Student} \times Enroll))$
  4. Select Enrol.CourseId from Enrol,Student where Student.weight > 45

1 Answer

Best answer
3 votes
3 votes
Options A, B and C are correct. Option D is not correct because it is doing a cross product and not a join on the Roll attribute. It can be corrected as
Select Enrol.CourseId from Enrol,Student where Student.weight $> 45$ and Enrol.Roll$=$Student.Roll
Select Enrol.CourseId from Enrol JOIN Student where Student.weight $> 45.$
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