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A tank is filled by three pipes with uniform flow. The first two pipes operating simultaneously fill the tank in the same time during which the tank is filled by the third pipe alone. The second pipe fills the tank 5 hours faster than the first pipe and 4 hours slower than the third pipe. The time required by the first pipe is:

A.    6 hours    B.    10 hours
C.    15 hours    D.    30 hours

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Option c

Let A is 1st pipe B 2nd and C 3rd pipe

Let B can do work in x hr

 can do work in x+5 hr

C  can do work in x-4 hr

A can fill tank in 1 hr is 1/x+5 work

 B can fill tank in 1 hr is 1/x work

A and B together can fill tank in 1 hr is (1/x) + 1/(x+5)

=(2x+5)/(x2+5x) work

A and B can together fill the tank in (x2+5x)/(2x+5) hr 

(which is equal to the time C cn fill the tank alone)

X-4= (x2+5x)/(2x+5)

By solving it x=10 hr

So A cn fill the tank in 10+5= 15 hr 

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