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2 Answers

Best answer
13 votes
13 votes
We need $4$ levels for $8$ nodes in a min-heap. This means one sub-tree of root will have $4$ nodes and other one $3$ nodes.
Now, number of min-heaps with $4$ nodes $=3$  and that with $3$ nodes $ = 2.$
Since $4!/3 = 8$ and $3!/2 = 3$ to find the number of min-heaps with $8$ nodes we can divide $8!$ first with $8$ -- since root is fixed instead of having $8$ ways and then by $8$ and $3.$
Thus, number of min-heaps with $8$ nodes $ = \dfrac{8!}{8.8.3} = \dfrac{7!}{24} = 210$
Reference: https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/6456/how-many-different-max-heaps-exist-for-a-list-of-n-integers
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12 votes
12 votes
root will take the smallest one.so remaining element are 7.

now lets consider the right subtree which have 3 nodes,here possibilities are 7C3 * 2.

now we have 4 keys in our hand,out of that the smallest one will go to root of left subtree.remaining are 3 nodes.

3C1 for right child of left subtree of node.

remaing 2 elements have only one choice as the largest among them will go to last level node & remaing is top of that.

7C3 * 2 * 3C1 = 210

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