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4 votes
4 votes
Free disk space can be kept track of using a free list or a bitmap. Disk addresses require $\text{D bits}$. For a disk with $\text{B blocks}$ and $\text{D}$ having the value $\text{32 bits},$ the percentage of the disk space that must be free for free list to use same memory as bitmap will be _________ (up to three decimal place).
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2 Answers

Best answer
5 votes
5 votes
Let block size be $k$ and $F$ be the number of free blocks.

Free list size $=F*D*k$ bits

Bitmap size $=B*k$ bits

So, we require $F*D*k = B*k \implies F *D=B.$

When $D=32$ bits,

$\implies F/B = 1/32 = 3.125\%.$
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