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7 votes
7 votes
A five-stage pipeline has stage delays of $150, 120, 150, 160$ and $140$ nanoseconds. The registers that are used between the pipeline stages have a delay of $5$ nanoseconds each.
The total time to execute $100$ independent instructions on this pipeline, assuming there are no pipeline stalls, is _______ nanoseconds.
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2 Answers

Best answer
16 votes
16 votes

For the given pipelined system:

  • Total number of stages $(k)=5$
  • Total number of instructions, $(n)=100$
  • Total delay ($t_p) = \max(\text{stage delay})+\text{buffer delay}$
    • $\implies t_p = \max (150,120,150,160,140)+5\;ns$
    • $\implies t_p=160+5\;ns$
    • $\implies t_p =165\;ns$

$ET_{p} = [(k+(n-1))*t_p]$

$\implies ET_p= [(5+(100-1))*165]\;ns$

$\implies ET_p= (5+99)*165\;ns$

$\implies ET_{pipeline}=17160\;ns$

$\therefore$ To execute $100$ instructions in the given pipeline, $17160\;ns$ time is required.

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4 votes

Five stage(k) pipeline

No of instructions n =  100

Delay pipeline Tp =160 ns (maximum delay of all stage )+Buffer delay 5 ns

Total Tp delay = 165

(k+n-1)tp = total time execute instruction

Tp = pipeline delay k= stage  n= no of instructions

(5+100-1)*165 ns 


= 17160 n​​​​​s


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