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Consider the following context-free grammar where the set of terminals is $\{a,b,c,d,f\}$. $$\begin{array}{lll} \text{S} & \rightarrow & d \: a \: \text{T} \mid \text{R} \: f \\ \text{T} & \rightarrow & a \: \text{S} \: \mid \: b \: a \: \text{T} \: \mid \epsilon \\ \text{R} & \rightarrow & c \: a \: \text{T} \: \text{R} \: \mid \epsilon \end{array}$$

The following is a partially-filled $\textsf{LL(1)}$ parsing table.$$\begin{array} {c c c }  & a & b & c & d & f & \$ \\\hline  \text{S} & & & \boxed{1} & \text{S} \rightarrow da \text{T} & \boxed{2} & \\\hline \text{T} & \text{T} \rightarrow a\text{S} & \text{T} \rightarrow ba\text{T} & \boxed{3} &  & \text{T} \rightarrow \varepsilon & \boxed{4}\\\hline \text{R} &  & & \text{R} \rightarrow ca\text{T}\text{R} & &   \text{R} \rightarrow \varepsilon &  \end{array}$$ Which one of the following choices represents the correct combination for the numbered cells in the parsing table (“blank” denotes that the corresponding cell is empty)?

  1. $\boxed{1}\;\text{S} \rightarrow \text{R}f \qquad \boxed{2}\;\text{S} \rightarrow \text{R}f \qquad \boxed{3}\; \text{T} \rightarrow \varepsilon \qquad \boxed{4}\;\text{T} \rightarrow \varepsilon$
  2. $\boxed{1}\;\text{blank} \qquad \boxed{2}\;\text{S} \rightarrow \text{R}f \qquad \boxed{3}\; \text{T} \rightarrow \varepsilon \qquad \boxed{4}\;\text{T} \rightarrow \varepsilon$
  3. $\boxed{1}\;\text{S} \rightarrow \text{R}f  \qquad \boxed{2}\;\text{blank} \qquad \boxed{3}\; \text{blank} \qquad \boxed{4}\;\text{T} \rightarrow \varepsilon$
  4. $\boxed{1}\;\text{blank} \qquad \boxed{2}\;\text{S} \rightarrow \text{R}f \qquad \boxed{3}\; \text{blank} \qquad \boxed{4}\;\text{blank} $
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2 Answers

Best answer
17 votes
17 votes

S \rightarrow daT \mid Rf & \left \{ d,c,f \right \} & \left \{ c,f,\$ \right \} \\\hline
T \rightarrow aS \mid baT \mid \varepsilon & \left \{ a,b,\varepsilon \right \} & \left \{ c,f,\$ \right \} \\ \hline 
R \rightarrow caTR\mid  \varepsilon & \left \{ c,\varepsilon \right \} & \left \{ f \right \} \\\hline

&a&b&c&d&f&\$ \\ \hline
S & & &\underset{\boxed{1}} {S \rightarrow Rf}& S \rightarrow daT &\underset{\boxed{2}}{S \rightarrow Rf}& \\ \hline
T & T \rightarrow aS & T \rightarrow  baT & \underset{\boxed{3}}{T \rightarrow  \varepsilon} &&T \rightarrow  \varepsilon & \underset{\boxed{4}}{T \rightarrow  \varepsilon} \\ \hline
R & && R \rightarrow caTR && R \rightarrow  \varepsilon \\ \hline

Ans: A  (1) $S \rightarrow Rf\quad$  (2) $S \rightarrow Rf\quad$ (3) $T \rightarrow  \varepsilon \quad$ (4) $T \rightarrow  \varepsilon $

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3 votes


Ans: A  (1) S→Rf (2) S→Rf (3) T→ε (4) T→ε


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