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14 votes
Consider a complete binary tree with $7$ nodes. Let $A$ denote the set of first $3$ elements obtained by performing Breadth-First Search $\text{(BFS)}$ starting from the root. Let $B$ denote the set of first $3$ elements obtained by performing Depth-First Search $\text{(DFS)}$ starting from the root.

The value of $\mid A-B \mid $ is _____________
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3 Answers

Best answer
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15 votes

Complete binary tree property has this property that every level until last is fully filled and last level is filled from left to right.

So, when we have a complete binary tree with $7$ nodes,

  • $\text{level} _1$ has $1$ node ( root )
  • $\text{level} _2$ has $2$ nodes.
  • $\text{level} _3$ has $4$ nodes.

BFS goes level by level. So first three elements (say Set A) $=\text{level} _1$ nodes $(1)+ \text{ level} _2(2)$ nodes.

DFS is go by connected manner. So first three elements (say Set B ) $= \text{level} _1$ nodes (1)$+$ one node from $\text{level} _2$ nodes $+$ one node from $\text{level} _3$ nodes which is connected to the previously chosen $\text{level} _2$ node.

$A – B =$ the remaining node from the set of $\text{level} _2$ nodes.

$\implies |A – B| = 1.$

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22 votes

The answer is $1$. See the image below.


and $B=\{1,2,4\}$ or $B=\{1,2,5\}$ or $B=\{1,3,6\}$ or $B=\{1,3,7\}$

for all cases, $|A-B|=1$




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Set A will contain = { root node , 2nd level all node i.e 2 node}

Set B = { root node , one node from 2nd level , one node from 3rd level }

when we perform Set Difference operation :

A-B = one node from 2nd level.

and cardinality will be

|A-B| = 1


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