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Consider the following two languages.

$\begin{array}{rcl} \text{PRIME} &  = & \{ 1^{n} \mid n \text{ is a prime number} \}, \\ \text{FACTOR} &  = & \{ 1^{n}0 1^{a} 01^{b} \mid n \text{ has a factor in the range }[a,b] \} \end{array}$.

What can you say about the languages $\text{PRIME}$ and $\text{FACTOR}$?

  1. $\text{PRIME}$ is in $\text{P}$, but $\text{FACTOR}$ is not in $\text{P}$.
  2. Neither $\text{PRIME}$ nor $\text{FACTOR}$ are in $\text{P}$.
  3. Both $\text{PRIME}$ and $\text{FACTOR}$ are in $\text{P}$.
  4. $\text{PRIME}$ is not in $\text{P}$, but $\text{FACTOR}$ is in $\text{P}$.
  5. None of the above since we can answer this question only if we resolve the status of the $\text{NP}$ vs. $\text{P}$ question.
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1 Answer

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PRIME is in P :

References: AKS primality test

Primality testing with Gaussian periods

FACTOR is also in P :


$ \text{if} \left (b-a +1 \right ) \geq n : \\ \qquad \text{return “Yes”} \\ \text{else if } (a\text{ mod }n ==0) \text{ or } (a\text{ mod }n > b\text{ mod }n )  : \\ \qquad \text{return “Yes”} \\ \text{else}: \\ \qquad \text{retrun “No”} $

Time complexity is $O(1)$ : polynomial time.

(C) is correct.

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