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Let $G= (V, T, S, P)$ be any context-free grammar without any $\lambda$-productions or unit productions. Let $K$ be the maximum number of symbols on the right of any production in $P$. The maximum number of production rules for any equivalent grammar in Chomsky normal form is given by:

  1. $(K-1) \mid P \mid + \mid T \mid -1$
  2. $(K-1) \mid P \mid + \mid T \mid $
  3. $K \mid P \mid + \mid T \mid -1$
  4. $K \mid P \mid + \mid T \mid$

Where $\mid \cdot \mid$ denotes the cardinality of the set.

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2 Answers

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Option B.

Let’s say there’s a production rule where all symbols on R.H.S are terminals. So to convert that into CNF we’ll have maximum   $\left | T \right |$  new variables and hence maximum $\left | T \right |$ new production rules.

After that we’ll be left with all variables on the R.H.S of a production rules. If we have A → BCD we can do like,

A→ VD , V → BC.

If we have A→ BCDE , we can convert that into A→ VE , V→ UD , U→ BC.  Notice that for ‘n’ number of variables we can have a maximum of (n – 1) production rules.


Hence for ‘K’ symbols on the R.H.S we’ll have (K – 1) production rules for each production rule in G.

so for $\left | P \right |$  productions we can have a maximum of (K – 1) $\left | P \right |$ rules. This added with  $\left | T \right |$ will make the final answer as

(K – 1) $\left | P \right |$ + $\left | T \right |$
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For any context-free grammar $\mathbf{G = (V,T,P,S)}$ without any $\lambda$-productions or unit-productions.

The maximum number of production rules are:


where $\mathbf k$ is the maximum number of the symbol on the right of production $\mathbf P$.

It is a direct textbook question from Peter Linz.


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