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44 votes
44 votes

An array $X$ of n distinct integers is interpreted as a complete binary tree. The index of the first element of the array is $0$. If the root node is at level $0$, the level of element $X[i]$, $i \neq 0$, is

  1. $\left \lfloor \log _2 i \right \rfloor$ 
  2. $\left \lceil \log _2 (i+1)\right \rceil$
  3. $\left \lfloor \log _2 (i+1) \right \rfloor$ 
  4. $\left \lceil \log _2 i \right \rceil$
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3 Answers

Best answer
33 votes
33 votes

PS : the value inside the node is array index

  1. FALSE , $\left \lfloor \log _2 i \right \rfloor = \left \lfloor \log _2 1 \right \rfloor  = 0 $ but $X[1]$ is at level $1$
  2. FALSE ,  $\left \lceil \log _2 (i+1) \right \rceil = \left \lceil \log _2 (4+1) \right \rceil = \left \lceil \log _2 (5)\right \rceil = 3 $ but $X[4]$ is at level $2$
  3. Correct
  4. FALSE , $\left \lceil \log _2 i \right \rceil = \left \lceil \log _2 1 \right \rceil  = 0 $ but $X[1]$ is at level $1$
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23 votes
23 votes
Floor(log(i+1)) draw the tree and realise that the last element at each level is the best choice to arrive at a conclusion

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