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There are 5 processes in a system where each of them has a requirement of x resources. In the worst case, y number of resources would ensure that the system is deadlock free.

The system later on has 7 processes that require x resources each. In the worst case, (y + 4) resources would ensure that the system is deadlock free.

The value of x is ______

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x = 3

The condition for the system to ensure it is deadlock free is given as -

$\sum$ Si = m + n -1

(where Si = sum of resources required by all the processes, m = number of resources available, n= number of processes)

Now according to question,

5 * x = y + 5 -1

5x = y + 4        ------ (1)

7 * x = (y + 4) + 7 – 1     

7x = y + 10      ------- (2)

By subtracting eqn (1) from (2) we get ;

x = 3

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