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please provide the solution


1 Answer

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Step 1 : Find profit per weight ratio for each item and sort items on decreasing $\frac P W$ ratio.

$\frac P W =\frac{\left \{ 11,21,31,33,43,53,55,65 \right \}}{\left \{01,11,21,23,33,43,45,55  \right \}} = \left \{ \frac {11} 1,\frac {21} {11},\frac {31} {21},\frac {33} {23} ,\frac {43} {33},\frac {53}{43},\frac {55}{45},\frac {65} {55} \right \} $

$= \left \{1+ \frac {10} 1,1+\frac {10} {11},1+\frac {10} {21},1+\frac {10} {23} ,1+\frac {10} {33},1+\frac {10}{43},1+\frac {10}{45},1+\frac {10} {55} \right \}$

$= \left \{ 11,1.909,1.476,1.434,1.3030,1.232,1.222,1.181  \right \}$

we can see here that the ratio are already sorted in descending order so we will just choose items sequentially , 

Step 2 :

Algorithm after sorting items :

  1. If weight of 1st item in sorted list $\leq $ Sack capacity $M$
  2. Remove 1st item from sorted list and add it to sack.
  3. Decrease sack capacity by weight of added item,
  4. Increase profit by value of added item.
  5. Repeat above steps until item can be added. i.e Until ( $W_i>M$ or $M=0$ )


Initialize : $M=110 , P=0$

Add Item $I_1 \rightarrow $



Add Item $I_2 \rightarrow M=98,P=32$

Add Item $I_3 \rightarrow M=77,P=63$

Add Item $I_4 \rightarrow M=54,P=96$

Add Item $I_5 \rightarrow M=21,P=139$

Note : Greedy algorithm for 0/1 KS may not give optimal solution, if the question was asking to solve 0/1 KS using greedy approach we would stop here as $W_6>M$ and answer $P=139$

Step 3 : If question asks to solve fractional KS we would add fraction of item $I_6$.

$\frac {P_6} {W_6} \times M = \frac {53} {43} \times 21 =25.884$

$\therefore$ adding $\frac {21} {43}$ of item $I_6 \rightarrow$ 

$M=M-W_1\times \frac {21} {43}=21-21=0,$

$P=P+P_1\times \frac {21} {43}=139+25.884=164.884$

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