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6 votes

Let $\alpha, \beta $ be two propositional formulas.

Which of the following assertions is true?

  1. $\alpha \models \beta$ if and only if the sentence $(\alpha \wedge \neg \beta)$ is unsatisfiable.
  2. If $\alpha\models \gamma $ or $\beta \models \gamma $ (or both) then $(\alpha \wedge \beta)\models \gamma $
  3. If $(\alpha \wedge \beta)\models \gamma $ then $\alpha \models \gamma$ or $\beta \models \gamma $ (or both).
  4. If $\alpha \models(\beta \vee \gamma)$ then $\alpha \models \beta $ or $\alpha \models \gamma $ (or both).
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1 Answer

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Update: C and D are not true. I solve this for propositional expressions, but these are inferences. 

If options C and D are tautology then the assertions are true. 

Option C: 


Option D: 

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