5 votes
5 votes

The number of different insertion sequences on numbers {1, 14, 26, 44, 60, 71} on an initially empty hash table H of size 6 and a hash function x%6 with linear probing scheme for collision resolution such that the end hash table should look like 60, 1, 14, 26, 44, 71 (The indices of numbers from left to right are 0 to 5) are ________

1 Answer

Best answer
7 votes
7 votes
14, 26 and 44 mod 6 = 2 and hence in any input sequence they must come in sequence (otherwise their sequence changes in the end result). The other 3 numbers hash to distinct locations and hence they can be inserted in any order. So, number of possible insertion sequence

$=\frac{\text{Total insertion sequences}}{\text{Invalid insertion sequences}}$


$= \frac{720}{6} = 120$
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