1 Answer

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Transmission delay = 1500 * 8/ 10 *10^6 = 1.2 millisec = 1200 micros.

And if the jamming signal is 10 micros, the propagation delay will be = 2* 10 micros= 20 micros.

Assume at time T0 A and B start transmission.

at time T1= 20/2 = 10 micros(Exactly at the middle of the link) there will be collision, and the jamming signal will be initiated

at time T2 = 10 + 10 = 20 micros A will be aware that there is a collision.

At time T3, A will wait for one propagation delay just to make sure that there is no last bit present in the link and the link is clear = 20+20 =40 micros.

At time T4, A will re-transmit the packet in the link = 40 + 1200 = 1240 micros the entire packet will be in the link

at T5 = 1240 + 20(propagation delay)+15(switching delay of 3)= 1275 micros A’s packet will reach B.

So total time required to deliver A’s packet is= 1275 micros

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