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I am still having some doubts when it comes to Context-Free Grammar to Chomsky Normal Form conversion. Here is what I did for the following CFG:

$S \rightarrow bXb \ |\ bS \ |\ \epsilon\ |\ aSdSc$

$X \rightarrow aX \ |\  Xtt$

$Y \rightarrow tt \ |\ SbS\ | \ \epsilon$

Before I started, I already see that Y is not reachable from the start state and the symbol X won’t be producing a string. I will remove them after finishing with the unit productions removal step.

Step1: Add new start state:

$S_{0} \rightarrow S$  

$S \rightarrow bXb \ |\ bS \ |\ \epsilon\ |\ aSdSc$

$X \rightarrow aX \ |\  Xtt$

$Y \rightarrow tt \ |\ SbS\ | \ \epsilon$

Step 2: Remove $\epsilon$ rules ($Y\rightarrow \epsilon$, $S\rightarrow \epsilon$):

$S_{0} \rightarrow S \ |\ \epsilon$  

$S \rightarrow bXb \ |\ bS \ |\ aSdSc \ |\ b \ |\ adSc \ |\ aSdc \ |\ adc$

$X \rightarrow aX \ |\  Xtt$

$Y \rightarrow tt \ |\ SbS\ |\ bS \ |\ Sb \ |\ b$

Step 3a: Remove unit productions $S_{0}\rightarrow S$:

$S_{0} \rightarrow  bXb \ |\ bS \ |\ aSdSc \ |\ b \ |\ adSc \ |\ aSdc \ |\ adc \ |\ \epsilon$  

$S \rightarrow bXb \ |\ bS \ |\ aSdSc \ |\ b \ |\ adSc \ |\ aSdc \ |\ adc$

$X \rightarrow aX \ |\  Xtt$

$Y \rightarrow tt \ |\ SbS\ |\ bS \ |\ Sb \ |\ b$

Step 3b: Remove useless symbols and productions, etc.:

$S_{0} \rightarrow   bS \ |\ aSdSc \ |\ b \ |\ adSc \ |\ aSdc \ |\ adc \ |\ \epsilon$  

$S \rightarrow   bS \ |\ aSdSc \ |\ b \ |\ adSc \ |\ aSdc \ |\ adc$

Step 4: Eliminate more than two non-terminals on RHS:

$H \rightarrow b$, $A \rightarrow a$, $D \rightarrow d$, $C \rightarrow c$.

bS becomes HS.

aSdSc becomes ASDSC then EFC which then becomes GC, where $E \rightarrow AS$, $F \rightarrow DS$ and $G \rightarrow EF$.

adSC becomes ADSC then it becomes IJ, where $I \rightarrow AD$, and $J \rightarrow SC$.

aSdc becomes ASDC then it becomes EK, where $K \rightarrow DC$.

Lastly, adc becomes ADC and then IC.

Therefore, the final resul is:

$S_{0} \rightarrow   HS \ |\ GC \ |\ b \ |\ IJ \ |\ EK \ |\ IC \ |\ \epsilon$  

$S \rightarrow   HS \ |\ GC \ |\ b \ |\ IJ \ |\ EK \ |\ IC$

$E \rightarrow AS$

$F \rightarrow DS$

$G \rightarrow EF$

$I \rightarrow AD$

 $J \rightarrow SC$

$K \rightarrow DC$

$H \rightarrow b$

$A \rightarrow a$

$D \rightarrow d$

$C \rightarrow c$

Did I do this correctly?

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