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IP address of the computer =$$ 

Subnet mask=$$

Subnet mask is 32 bit dotted decimal represented number created by setting all network bit to $1$ and all host id bit to $0$.

so here subnet mask =$11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000$ which implies we have $27$ bit as network bit and $5$ bit as host id.

Given IP address belongs to class C network which has $24$ bit as network id and $8$ bit as host id .But subnet mask we have $27$ bit bit as network id and $5$ bit for host id . So it implies we use $(27-24)=3$ bit for subnetting which gives us $2^{3}=8$ subnet.

Now we need network IP address for the given IP address for that we need to do bit wise and with  IP address and Subnet mask.




So if we expand the last octet in binary we see 

$01100000$ ---- It represent 4th subnet network id as subnet bit is $(011)_{2}$=$3_{10}$ , It is 4th subnet as first subnet is $(000)_{2}$=$0$ ,second subnet is $(001)_{2}$=1 so on.

Now we need 6th subnet for that subnet bits would be 101.

So the network id of the 6th subnet is 

$$    -----[$160_{10}$=$10100000_{2}$]

Last assignable ip address for this subnet  is when all the host id is 1 except the last bit so that is should not be broadcast address for this subnet .

so The last assignable IP address for the 6th subnet is 


So the decimal value  of last octet of last host of sixth subnet is $190$.


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