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L={<M>|L(M) is regular } ,isn't it a trivial property because every TM accepts regular language.

2 Answers

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Every Turing Machine accepts regular language? Whether yes or no does not matter (I guess you meant for every regular language we have a TM) because the property asked in question is the language of a Turing machine regular- this is true for some and false for some and hence is non-trivial.

Is the language of Turing machine r.e.? This is true for all TM, and hence is trivial.
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1 votes
FIRST OF ALL ITS UNDECIDABLE ....here the explanation

its similar to asking . does every program accepts the given input and rejects all thats not in input ...

and how u said that every TM accepts regular language ....u cant prove for all turing machine ...it will loop forever .

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