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2 Answers

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I am having confusion between these two,

$1$.      $\forall x\exists y(I(x) \Lambda I(y) \Lambda C(x,y))$

$2$.      $(\forall x(I(x) \rightarrow \exists y(I(y) \Lambda C(x,y)))$

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$ 𝐼(𝑥)=$“$𝑥$ has an internet connection”
$𝐶(𝑥,𝑦)=$ “$𝑥$ and $𝑦$ have chatted over the Internet”
$Domain(x,y)=$ $\{𝑥$ and $𝑦$ consists of all students in your class.$\}$

“Everyone in your class with an Internet connection has chatted over the Internet with at least one other student in your class.”

can be reinterpreted as:

“For every student in your class, if they have an internet connection, then there exists at least one other student with an internet connection, with whom they have chatted.”

$=\forall x[I(x) \rightarrow \exists y(I(y) \land C(x,y))]$


Option (2.) is indeed the answer.

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