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85 votes
85 votes
Let $G$ be a complete undirected graph on $4$ vertices, having $6$ edges with weights being $1, 2, 3,  4, 5,$ and $6$. The maximum possible weight that a minimum weight spanning tree of $G$ can have is __________
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18 Answers

12 votes
12 votes
The question is asked such a way that you have make the weight maximum in a MST.No matter how you draw the graph you can't make the weight more that 7,It may be 6 or 7 but they asked about maximum possible weight that the MST have.So 7 is the maximum, You can' make it more than that because that will not be MST.
11 votes
11 votes

This question ask as how many possible way of drawing the above as to find MST in which maximum possible weight, so in which we can draw only in two ways. in first way MST is 1+2+3=6 and other 1+2+4=7 no other ways can draw. so max possible weight that MST is 7.

6 votes
6 votes
As other have explained with diagrams, the correct answer is 7. The explanation is as follows:

Keep in mind the Kruskal's algorithm for generating MST of a graph. It will pick edges in increasing order, and include them in MST if it does not form a cycle. So it will first pick edge of weight 1, then edge of weight 2 (2 edges cannot form a cycle). Now it will pick edge of weight 3 if it does not form a cycle, but since we want to maximize the weight, we will label edges of a triangle(cycle) with edge weights 1,2,3 respectively so that we cannot pick edge with weight 3 in our MST because it will then form a cycle. Therefore we have a configuration where the MST has 3 edges with weight - 1,2,4 and hence total weight = 7
3 votes
3 votes

The minimum spanning tree for a distinct edge weighted graph is unique .

And as the minimum spanning tree is unique the only possible weight is 6 ( selecting the lowest possible weights 1,2,3 ) 


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