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85 votes
85 votes
Let $G$ be a complete undirected graph on $4$ vertices, having $6$ edges with weights being $1, 2, 3,  4, 5,$ and $6$. The maximum possible weight that a minimum weight spanning tree of $G$ can have is __________
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18 Answers

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This question deals with orientation of complete graph

Now we have 2 options

1) we place edges  having wt 1, 2 at digonals

2) or on sides

Because any way those edges are part of spanning tree

Iin the first case it is not possible to construct a mst neglecting edge with wt 3

But in second case we can make mst with neglecting 3 by placing such that it forms cyle
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My approach

you just make cycle with 3 min weight edge

so in this you will get two edges weight 1,2.

now 3 is included in cycle so we cant consider it

so now remaining 4,5,6

so min is 4 becouse complete graph we consider

so ans is 1+2+4
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Draw a complete graph of 4 vertices. Sort given edges y weight in increasing order. Just like Kruskal's algorithm sort the edges by weight. MST of graph with 4 vertices and 6 edges will have 3 edges. Now in any case we will have to include edges with weights 1 and 2 as they are minimum and Kruskal's algorithm includes minimum weight edge if it does not form a cycle. We can not have a cycle with 2 edges. In Kruskals algorithm, an edge will be rejected if it forms a cycle with the edges already selected. To increase the weight of our MST we will try to reject the edge with weight 3. This can be done by forming a cycle. The graph in pic1 shows this case. This implies, the total weight of this graph will be 1+2+4=7.


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