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117 votes
117 votes

$G=(V, E)$ is an undirected simple graph in which each edge has a distinct weight, and $e$ is a particular edge of $G$. Which of the following statements about the minimum spanning trees $(MSTs)$ of $G$ is/are TRUE?

  1. If $e$ is the lightest edge of some cycle in $G$, then every MST of $G$ includes $e$.
  2. If $e$ is the heaviest edge of some cycle in $G$, then every MST of $G$ excludes $e$.
  1. I only.
  2. II only.
  3. Both I and II.
  4. Neither I nor II.
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6 Answers

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I think answer is D.

Statement I is wrong.

Statement II is also wrong, consider any graph where between any two nodes there are two paths, first path consists of edges with weights 2 and 8, second path has weight 5 and 7. So, MST would include that heaviest weight in that cycle.
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here it is given that all edges have distinct value. so by any algo prims or kruskal we are going to add e if it is lightest edge.

So first statement is always true

and 2nd statement is also true becouse we will always exclue one with the heaviest wieght


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