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The hash function is randomly chosen from a universal class of hash functions , then what is the probability of any collision ?

2 Answers

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Scenario 1 : When n keys are already stored and new key is added
Here we are using Universal Hashing, so we can assume that a key can go to each of the m hash table slots with equal probability, i.e. 1/m.
Now given, n keys are already stored out of m=n2 slots.
now if a new key comes, it can go to any of the m slots with equal probability. Collision will occur only if it chooses one of the n slots which already has a key
Probability of collision would be = n/m
                                               = n/n2
                                               = 1/n

Scenario 2 : When we are adding those n keys
X - Collision occurs
X' - Collision doesnot occur
P(X)=1 - P(X')
We try to find P(X') because that is easier
Now, for the first key to be added we can add it any of the m slots, so m choices
Now, one of the m slots is occupied. we try to add second key, to avoid collision we have m-1 choices
Similarly, for third key we have m-2 choices..

P(X') = $\frac{m}{m} * \frac{m-1}{m} * \frac{m-2}{m} * \frac{m-3}{m} * . . . . .* \frac{m-n+1}{m}$
Substitute m= n2 and get P(X')
Then you get your answer by P(X) = 1 - P(X')

PS: The above solutions assume no chaining, otherwise the method becomes more complex

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3 votes

Theorem: In hashing $n$ items into a hash table with $m$ locations, the expected number of collisions is $n-m+m(1 − \frac{1}{m} )^n$.

Here we have $n$ keys to hash and number of available locations is $m=n^2$. Therefore,

$E(collision) = n-n^2+n^2(1 − \frac{1}{n^2} )^n$

Maybe this can be simplified, but this is anyways the answer to this question.

To know more about this theorem and it's proof, here is the source.

Here is the link to a very similar and interesting problem discussed on math.exchange.

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