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8 votes
8 votes

Consider the following scheme for implementing a critical section in a situation with three processes $P_i, P_j$ and $P_k$.


    flag[i] := true;
    while flag [j] or flag[k] do
        case turn of
        j: if flag [j] then
            flag [i] := false;
            while turn != i do skip;
            flag [i] := true;
        k: if flag [k] then
            flag [i] := false,
            while turn != i do skip;
            flag [i] := true
    critical section
    if turn = i then turn := j;
        flag [i] := false
    non-critical section
until false;

Is there a situation in which a waiting process can never enter the critical section? If so, explain and suggest modifications to the code to solve this problem

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2 Answers

4 votes
4 votes

“the process which  use critical section should hold turn variable otherwise other waiting process will wait for indefinite time if some process does not wants to enter  in cs“

  1. progress not satisfied
    2. no deadlock 
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1 votes
1 votes

Here 3 processes are there.

Now, at least 2 processes are ready to enter into CS at the same time

Here, as flag[i]=false // means flag[i] not ready to enter CS

So, Pj enters in CS

But CS depends on turn=i and turn=j and not on turn=k

So, if there is a situation turn=j is always false ,then Pk never go inside CS

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