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Suppose node M sends a message to node N using Tcp/ ip suite. N is in another network. Ms gateway GM forwards the message to N's gateway GN. On receiving the packet GN forwards the message in a frame.


In the frame received by N,

The  sender's physical address field indicates which node? M or GN?


Please explain

1 Answer

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senders physical address field in frame received by N will be mac address of GN,

mac/physical address is used to distinguish machines in local network,

suppose you want to ask something to google's server, so your outgoing packet will look like

sender's mac = your mac

sender's IP = your IP

receiver's mac = your gateway's mac

receiver's IP = google server IP

when your gateway will send this packet forward it will just change source mac address as its own address (gatway's)

and destination mac as address of next hop's mac address.  and source and destination IP will remain same throughout.

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