3 votes
3 votes
Ans given is 3/7.
Mine is 1/3.
Approach: P(~X)P(~Y)P(~Z)=  3/4 * 4/7 * 7/9 = 1/3

4 Answers

1 votes
1 votes

The probability that the problem is not solved by any of the students is the product of the probabilities that each student fails to solve the problem. So we have:

P(problem not solved) = P(X fails) * P(Y fails) * P(Z fails)

P(X solves the problem) = 1/4 P(X fails to solve the problem) = 1 - P(X solves the problem) = 3/4 P(Y solves the problem) = 3/7 P(Y fails to solve the problem) = 1 - P(Y solves the problem) = 4/7 P(Z solves the problem) = 2/9 P(Z fails to solve the problem) = 1 - P(Z solves the problem) = 7/9

So we have:

P(problem not solved) = (3/4) * (4/7) * (7/9) = 1/3

Therefore, the probability that the problem could not be solved is 1/3. Answer: (a)


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